It was pretty tough to get good pictures - from getting used to some of our gear (it was our first time using an underwater flash/strobe, new dive equipment, etc) to dealing with currents that rarely afforded you the opportunity to sit still. That said, here are some of them:
In order from top to bottom, left to right:
- Southern sting ray
- A French angelfish
- A hilarious damselfish who really did not like my wife being near her babies - it kept photobombing her and this was my favorite one, even if totally out-of-focus
- Some kind of blenny (about the size of half of a fingernail, opening his mouth and sticking out of a hole)
- Me (with a couple of other divers holding their safety stop behind me).
- A pair of gray angelfish
- A shoal of French grunts (I think)
- Me, diving in a Cenote (underwater sinkhole/cavern)
- Me (left), and my wife (middle) diving in a cenote
- Caribbean reef octopus
- Ditto
- A spotted moray eel
- Ditto
- A web burrfish (a type of puffer fish)
- Some type of conch (you can see it's eyes sticking out of the shell - these things look goofy as hell)
- A sharptail eel
- Ditto
- A Caribbean/reef scorpionfish
- A video showing reef life and reef structures
- A video of black durgons while on my safety stop. It's hard to get a sense for how close these came to the camera because the GoPro really makes things look far away.
- A video showing reef life, panning quickly from fish to fish as they came into view. It also gives a sense of how fast the current was moving us along (we were basically not kicking at all for propulsion).
- A video of a whitespotted filefish
- A video of reef life, panning from fish to fish pretty quickly because of the speed of the current.
- A bluehead wrasse
- A scrawled filefish (it's hard to get a sense for just how cool their blue markings look in person - they're super vibrant and almost exhibit a neon quality or something (hard to describe).
- A flamingo tongue (a type of snail)
- A baby nurse shark resting under the reef. We didn't want to blast it with the flash, so the picture is a bit dark.
- A queen angelfish
- A scrawled cowfish
- An anemone
- A blue-eyed hermit crab
- Christmas Tree worm
- Me
- Video of an octopus during our night dive
- Video of the spotted moray eel during our night dive
- Ditto (after it stopped moving around)
- Upside-down video of the sharptail eel moving around (not sure why the GoPro decides to flip the axis sometimes)
- Video of a baby eel of some kind (probably a spotted moray) - it was hard to get close enough to actually see it, so the first half of the video is basically looking at sand.
- Video A yellow stingray
- Video of some kind of worm that was attracted to our dive lights