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Here are some photos and videos from my dive trip to Cozumel last month (My wife took the photos, I did most of the videos). Apparently attachments only allow a few images at a time, and I don't feel like hosting these outside of my Google account.

It was pretty tough to get good pictures - from getting used to some of our gear (it was our first time using an underwater flash/strobe, new dive equipment, etc) to dealing with currents that rarely afforded you the opportunity to sit still. That said, here are some of them:


In order from top to bottom, left to right:
  1. Southern sting ray
  2. A French angelfish
  3. A hilarious damselfish who really did not like my wife being near her babies - it kept photobombing her and this was my favorite one, even if totally out-of-focus
  4. Some kind of blenny (about the size of half of a fingernail, opening his mouth and sticking out of a hole)
  5. Me (with a couple of other divers holding their safety stop behind me).
  6. A pair of gray angelfish
  7. A shoal of French grunts (I think)
  8. Me, diving in a Cenote (underwater sinkhole/cavern)
  9. Me (left), and my wife (middle) diving in a cenote
  10. Caribbean reef octopus
  11. Ditto
  12. A spotted moray eel
  13. Ditto
  14. A web burrfish (a type of puffer fish)
  15. Some type of conch (you can see it's eyes sticking out of the shell - these things look goofy as hell)
  16. A sharptail eel
  17. Ditto
  18. A Caribbean/reef scorpionfish
  19. A video showing reef life and reef structures
  20. A video of black durgons while on my safety stop. It's hard to get a sense for how close these came to the camera because the GoPro really makes things look far away.
  21. A video showing reef life, panning quickly from fish to fish as they came into view. It also gives a sense of how fast the current was moving us along (we were basically not kicking at all for propulsion).
  22. A video of a whitespotted filefish
  23. A video of reef life, panning from fish to fish pretty quickly because of the speed of the current.
  24. A bluehead wrasse
  25. A scrawled filefish (it's hard to get a sense for just how cool their blue markings look in person - they're super vibrant and almost exhibit a neon quality or something (hard to describe).
  26. A flamingo tongue (a type of snail)
  27. A baby nurse shark resting under the reef. We didn't want to blast it with the flash, so the picture is a bit dark.
  28. A queen angelfish
  29. A scrawled cowfish
  30. An anemone
  31. A blue-eyed hermit crab
  32. Christmas Tree worm
  33. Me
  34. Video of an octopus during our night dive
  35. Video of the spotted moray eel during our night dive
  36. Ditto (after it stopped moving around)
  37. Upside-down video of the sharptail eel moving around (not sure why the GoPro decides to flip the axis sometimes)
  38. Video of a baby eel of some kind (probably a spotted moray) - it was hard to get close enough to actually see it, so the first half of the video is basically looking at sand.
  39. Video A yellow stingray
  40. Video of some kind of worm that was attracted to our dive lights
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