The Last Dance - MJ documentary

6x NBA Champions

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if you are a Bulls fan, this is must see tv ... very well done ... verifies a few things already known/suspected and gives some fresh insight into the whole Bulls dynasty

will never understand why Jerry Krause seemed so dead set on killing the team he built ... contracts and finances certainly played a role but were not the real reason
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This is definitely on my to-watch list. Someone wrote that if you're a Bulls fan, or someone who watched these games live, not to watch this documentary late at night because the adrenaline rush of reliving those moments will keep you up all night. Can't wait to see it.
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I am a Celtics fan but watched the Bulls during this time. I enjoyed watching that TEAM play and pushed my son to root for the Bulls. he was only 5 when they won the last championship so his fandom of the Bulls didn't last long. I have enjoyed it. I think people need to really respect the player Pippen was. I believe without him they do not win 6, maybe not even 3.
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Just finished up the 10th episode. Pretty good stuff. I'm glad they gave the 1998 Indiana Pacers their due respect. Those late 90's/early 00's Pacers teams were among my all-time favorites, and they, the Jazz, and a few other squads that could've won rings in different eras all fell victim to playing in the Jordan/Kobe era.

Jordan is a unique individual. There's no way most atheletes could handle the scope of worldwide popularity that Jordan had. The media presence alone looked inhuman, on the scale of Michael Jackson for the time, but then the expectations were beyond immense, even as he was at the extent of his powers.

We probably won't see another cultural presence like Jordan again in our lifetimes. The social media and internet era we live in now can rarely ever perpetuate culture to the extent that it did back then, as people's interests and commonalities rarely line up or overlap. Billions of people on Earth knew and still know Michael Jordan in a Chicago Bulls uniform.
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